Monday, December 12, 2011

How much does it cost to withdraw from an ATM in Shanghai using an Australian Debit card?

I have a Commonwealth bank Mastercard Debit card, and i need to withdraw money from my savings. My savings are in AUD, and i would like to withdraw in RMB. Does anyone know how much it will cost, what fees i would be looking at paying?|||ATM fees vary from zero to US$10 per transaction. Be aware that some Chinese ATMs only allow withdrawals of 1,000 yuan per transaction, so withdrawing 2,500 yuan would require 3 transactions and 3 sets of fees.

Some Chinese banks have alliances with foreign banks and offer preferential services to those customers. You really need to contact your Australian bank and ask. It's best to use a Chinese bank that is allied with your home bank.

I love buying goodies, but hate getting the bill. Everything I like is either too expensive or fattening!|||The major banks in China will allow you to use your card. I don;t know about your bank specifically, but for mine, it is bets to move money online or by phone from savings into chequing before withdrawing to avoid higher fees. Outside of that, using an ATM is faster and gives a better exchange rate than taking cash and going to exchange it at the bank or hotel.|||the exchange rate varies every minute and there is a fee charged by your card issuer(not charged by the banks in China), the fee can be deducted when the money is withdrawn

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