Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can I buy scratch tickets with a debit card?

As last minute stocking stuffers for out-of-town family (I'm the one travelling and need to pick them up asap), I wanted to get Massachusetts State Lottery scratch tickets. Does anyone know if I can buy them with a debit card? You can buy ANYTHING on debit, pretty much, but I didn't know if lottery is different. Thanks!|||I think it's cash only, but maybe it's different in your state. Call the local store and ask them. If they don't, you can always get cash back from a purchase and buy the lottery tickets.|||in colorado it's cash only but I don't know about massachusetts.|||No. But you can get the money out of the ATM and buy the tickets with cash.|||No you can't because I won't allow it because that's the worst thing you can do. Debit cards should be toward actual items, like getting your money's worth.

If you use that debit card, then I'm gonna open up a can of whoop-as@ on you and give you a couple of Stone Cold Stunners.

Make sure you use $1 dollar bills.

And that's the bottom line ,'cause "imansobyadayadayada" said so!!!|||If it's got a major credit card logo then no...Lottery tickets of any sort cannot be bought with a credit card because it's too easy to say it was fraudulent use.

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